Informations sur Huerons
Descriptif officiel de Huerons sur le Google Play Store ©
Huerons are tiny colored circles. Merge them by clicking on an empty cell next to them until there is only one Hueron on the board.
There can be only one ...
It is an addictive puzzle game based in flat and minimalistic design philosophy.
100 differents puzzles around 9 unique Huerons, which behave differently bringing an element of puzzle, strategy and surprise to the game.
Huerons is easy to learn and difficult to master. It will keep you busy during your trips, breaks, meetings, and any time when you are looking for a quiet moment.
The game has 9 types of Huerons that you will need to deal with to solve all the puzzles:
· Purple and Green Huerons. They merge with Huerons of the same color only
· Blender helps you mix two Huerons of a color into a Huerons of the other color
· The Wildcard can merge with a Hueron of any color
· Blackholes will consume any Huerons that falls over them
· Terminals are the final spot on which the puzzle should be solved
· Portals will transport Huerons all over the board
· Chameleons keep changing their color unless they are merged with a Hueron
· Wanderers are nomads that keep moving around the board unless they are merged with a Hueron
· Thresholds are locked and cannot be used unless you make a specific number of moves
-- Nominated for Indie Showcase at Casual Connect Asia 2014 and Indie Prize 2014
· simple and addictive gameplay
· teasingly difficult, infuriatingly fun puzzles
· 100 puzzles and more to come
· flat and minimalistic design
· Includes a color-blind friendly mode
Le jeu Android Huerons a été édité par BulkyPix. Trente neuf autres jeux Android testés sur le site KickMyGeek ont également été publiés par le même éditeur. Toutes les informations sont disponibles en cliquant ci-dessous :
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Le jeu Android Huerons a été développé par Infinite Eurekas.
Tests de Huerons disponibles
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