Informations sur Strike Team Hydra
Descriptif officiel de Strike Team Hydra sur le Google Play Store ©
You are the commander of an elite Strike Team aboard the warship, HYDRA. Your first combat mission will have you leading your team in vicious ship-to-ship battles against the Sethari, a mysterious alien race whose soldiers are genetically bred for war.
In this tactical role playing game, you are the commanding officer of a squad of soldiers from the far future. Command each warrior and use cover, suppressive fire, advanced weapons and iron will to defeat the enemy. Always outnumbered, your soldiers will depend on your strategic brilliance to prevail.
? COVER: Use barricades and barrels as cover for your soldiers. Less conventional force fields and tachyon fields can also grant a tactical edge to those that hold them.
? SUPPRESSION: Use suppressive fire to pin enemy soldiers in place before finishing them off in close assault or with a well-placed grenade.
? ACTION POINTS: Every action, including movement, attacks and special abilities, requires action points. Spend them wisely to achieve victory.
? MORALE: Your soldiers and the enemy are affected by their courage and determination. If the battle goes well, they fight with grit and determination. If it goes badly, they will focus more on saving themselves than the mission at hand.
Play through a campaign featuring 28 intense firefights including various mission objectives and grueling boss fights. An additional 20 combat missions are available to hone your skills.
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Le jeu Android Strike Team Hydra a été développé par Wave Light Games. Un autre jeu Android testé sur le site KickMyGeek a également été développé par le même studio. Toutes les informations sont disponibles en cliquant ci-dessous :

Demon's Rise 2
Un concours a eu lieu pour le jeu Android Strike Team Hydra du 09 août 2017 au 11 août 2017... Ce concours est maintenant terminé, mais reste disponible en allant sur la page 5 licences de jeu Android Strike Team Hydra à gagner !
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