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Beat the Melody

Beat the Melody sur iOS (iPhone / iPad)

Éditeur : Shortbreak Studios
Ce jeu n'est plus disponible sur l'iTunes AppStore

Informations sur Beat the Melody


Disponible sur
iPad / iPhone
Version du jeu
42.45 Mo
Date de sortie
Langue proposée
Descriptif officiel de Beat the Melody sur l'iTunes AppStore ©

Music geeks from land of Chopin introduce simple game that can teach anyone how to enjoy music more!

Fun for all the family... and future tenors, divas & rock stars!

1. Accessible and innovative gameplay,
2. No music skill needed to enjoy,
3. Proven scientific method,
4. From the land of Chopin,
5. Over 200 famous melodies,
6. Learn to recognize both pitch & tone,
7. Next time you hum in the shower, it might be in tune.

Many of our team grew up with very little formal music education, but now many of us have kids, and we were looking for a way to help them (and us) learn about & love music.

We approached the smartest music geeks in the land of Chopin (academics from the Wroclaw Music Academy, Poland) to get an in-depth understanding on the science behind learning to play an instrument or sing a song in tune.

Our team were surprised to learn that there are proven methods that can significantly improve pitch & tone recognition (a vital first step to becoming a maestro) for anyone... whether a 4 year old just becoming interested in music all the way to their grandparents.

We have taken that fundamental science, and turned it into a fun game that we are sure you will enjoy.

Don't forget to tell your family and friends!


Le jeu iOS (iPhone / iPad) Beat the Melody a été édité par Shortbreak Studios.

Test de Beat the Melody disponible

Test iOS (iPhone / iPad) Beat the Melody

Beat the Melody

Le 08 août 2013 - Par Olivier

Prenez vous pour Mozart, Gershwin ou Offenbach ! Jouez du piano, xylophone ou guitare électrique et battez la mélodie.

Lire le test sur Test Android Beat the Melody non disponibleTest iPhone / iPad de Beat the Melody

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