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Bullet Hell Monday

Bullet Hell Monday sur iOS (iPhone / iPad)

Développeur : MASAYUKI ITO
Télécharger sur l'iTunes AppStore

Informations sur Bullet Hell Monday


Disponible sur
iPad / iPhone
Version du jeu
91.90 Mo
Date de sortie
Langue proposée
Descriptif officiel de Bullet Hell Monday sur l'iTunes AppStore ©

A bullet hell shooter
- Enjoy an authentic bullet hell shooter on your smartphone.
- Recommended Chapter mode for danmaku beginners.
- Recommended Challenge mode for danmaku experts.
- Huge content: over 50 stages.

Upgrade your ship
- Use the points you earn after playing a stage to level up your ship.
- Take your new and upgraded ship to the challenge mode! Aim for a high score.

- Clear the missions set for you in each chapter.
- Clearing missions opens up new stages.
- Use the points you get in the chapter mode to upgrade your ship.

- The challenge mode is for when you really want to test your mettle.
- Upgrade your ship and take on this mode.
- Select from EASY, NORMAL, HARD, and HEAVEN difficulties.
- Test the limits of your skill.

- The endless mode that lasts forever.
- How long can you survive in the increasing difficulty?

Aim for the top slot in the rankings
- Challenge mode has Game Center support.
- Try going against your friends for the best score.
- Rankings are sorted by stage and difficulty.
- Try perfecting your favorite stage or try to beat all the rankings.



Le jeu iOS (iPhone / iPad) Bullet Hell Monday a été développé par MASAYUKI ITO. Un autre jeu iOS (iPhone / iPad) testé sur le site KickMyGeek a également été développé par le même studio. Toutes les informations sont disponibles en cliquant ci-dessous :

Tests de Bullet Hell Monday disponibles

Test iOS (iPhone / iPad) Bullet Hell Monday

Bullet Hell Monday

Le 03 octobre 2016 - Par Olivier

Shoot, shoot, shoot !

Lire le test sur Test Android de Bullet Hell MondayTest iPhone / iPad de Bullet Hell Monday
Test Android Bullet Hell Monday

Bullet Hell Monday

Le 12 avril 2018 - Par Olivier

Shoot, shoot, shoot !

Lire le test sur Test Android de Bullet Hell MondayTest iPhone / iPad de Bullet Hell Monday

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