Informations sur ENYO
Descriptif officiel de ENYO sur l'iTunes AppStore ©
ENYO is a tactical roguelike about hook & shield combat.
Grab your hook & shield and descent as Enyo, the greek goddess of war, into an ever changing labyrinth to recover 3 legendary artifacts.
ENYO's gameplay is based on the idea of indirect combat. Enemies can only be defeated by pushing or pulling them into burning lava pits or deadly spiked walls.
While staying accessible through the limited amount of actions a player can take, the core of ENYO are highly tactical turn based battles. To enter the highscore leaderboards for each of the 3 game modes you are tasked to master your weapons and create powerful chain combos through clever maneuvers.
Le jeu iOS (iPhone / iPad) ENYO a été développé par Tinytouchtales. Trois autres jeux iOS (iPhone / iPad) testés sur le site KickMyGeek ont également été développés par le même studio. Toutes les informations sont disponibles en cliquant ci-dessous :
Tests de ENYO disponibles
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