Informations sur Journey Below
Descriptif officiel de Journey Below sur l'iTunes AppStore ©
Journey Below is an auto-running platformer by the creators of Tiny Rogue, Devious Dungeon, Random Heroes and League of Evil!
In Journey Below you will control a knight on his adventure to save the kingdom from an evil monster. The game is an auto-runner where you turn on wall collisions. You tap the left side of the screen to jump and the right side to attack. Each play session has 12 randomly generated levels and then you fight the boss. Each run is unique and designed for short-medium game sessions! Killing enemies adds to your combo counter and after each level you get to choose one of 3 upgrades that get randomly rolled. Can you get the high score on one of the 3 leaderboards'
- Randomly generated maps
- 4 environments
- 15 enemies
- Character upgrades
- Boss battle
- Unlock hard mode and endless mode by beating the game!
- Roguelike gameplay experience
- Achievements
- Compete on the leaderboards
- Universal (play on all your devices)
Le jeu iOS (iPhone / iPad) Journey Below a été développé par Ravenous Games. Cinq autres jeux iOS (iPhone / iPad) testés sur le site KickMyGeek ont également été développés par le même studio. Toutes les informations sont disponibles en cliquant ci-dessous :
Tests de Journey Below disponibles
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