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Sneaky Sneaky

Sneaky Sneaky sur iOS (iPhone / iPad)

Développeur : Naiad Entertainment
Ce jeu n'est plus disponible sur l'iTunes AppStore

Informations sur Sneaky Sneaky


Disponible sur
iPad / iPhone
Version du jeu
491.44 Mo
Date de sortie
Langue proposée
Descriptif officiel de Sneaky Sneaky sur l'iTunes AppStore ©

Sneak through the shadows, dash to cover, pick your moment and strike! Unleash your inner thief in this strategic stealth adventure. After the heist of a lifetime, Sneaky, the lovable rogue is ambushed! Plot, shoot, stab, and loot your way across the land to reclaim Sneaky's twice-stolen treasure.

Sneaky Sneaky offers a mix of stealth and tactical gameplay. Move through the world freely, but watch your step. Getting spotted or initiating combat will trigger turn-based encounters. There is no single solution to the challenges set before you. Experiment and develop your own play style.

Key Features:
? Unique real­time/turn­based hybrid - When things heat up, the game slows down, giving the player time to
think strategically.
? Monstrous Variety - Enemies don't just get stronger ? they get smarter. Fifteen distinct monster types will fly over obstacles, burrow in sand, destroy your cover and offer fresh challenges as you play.
? Level Up! - Your sneakiness will be rewarded. Light RPG mechanics allow you to upgrade Sneaky's attributes as the game progresses.
? Powerful Items - Bow & Arrow, Monster Bait, Sleep Poison... Every item you discover allows you to play in a new way. Employ the tools of a thief to gain the upper hand.
? Rich and playful 2D art style and an immersive ambient soundtrack.


Le jeu iOS (iPhone / iPad) Sneaky Sneaky a été développé par Naiad Entertainment.

Test de Sneaky Sneaky disponible

Test iOS (iPhone / iPad) Sneaky Sneaky

Sneaky Sneaky

Le 10 décembre 2014 - Par Olivier

Entre jeu tactique et puzzle-game, soyez discret, furtif et malicieux !

Lire le test sur Test Android Sneaky Sneaky non disponibleTest iPhone / iPad de Sneaky Sneaky

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