Informations sur Stellar Wanderer
Descriptif officiel de Stellar Wanderer sur le Google Play Store ©
Stellar Wanderer is a beautiful space opera set in a vast open-world universe, the same universe as our sister game: Strike Wing: Raptor Rising.
Grow your skills and choose the best path that suits your play style. Become a FIGHTER, TRADER, TANK or ENGINEER, each with its own bonuses and special abilities. Follow the main storyline or choose the side missions you would like to play. Mine for resources or be the most dangerous pirate in the galaxy.
Experience a variety of gorgeous space sets, each with several interest points. Earn credits for the ship of your choice or choose multiple ships! Tune your ship with more than 100 items that are currently available in the game.
*10+ hours of gameplay to complete the story line
*Use accelerometer or virtual joystick
*Cockpit view for a more immersive feeling or third person view for better observation
*Gorgeous visuals with unique atmosphere for each space set.
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Le jeu Android Stellar Wanderer a été édité par Crescent Moon Games. Vingt deux autres jeux Android testés sur le site KickMyGeek ont également été publiés par le même éditeur. Toutes les informations sont disponibles en cliquant ci-dessous :
The Deep Paths
Exiles Far Colony
Deep Space
Leave Me Alone
Linn: Path of Orchards
The Deer God
La Légende de Skyfish
2-bit Cowboy
Monkey Racing
Mines of Mars
Hammer Bomb
Shadow Blade
Le jeu Android Stellar Wanderer a été développé par Dreambuilder.
Tests de Stellar Wanderer disponibles
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