Informations sur The Scrungeon Depths
Descriptif officiel de The Scrungeon Depths sur le Google Play Store ©
Update for Android 8.0- We've seen some issues with Android 8.0 but there is a work around until an official patch is issued.
The issue involves prompting hardware permissions not automatically asking to toggle them on at launch. Scrungeon uses the camera and microphone access for filming and editing replays. Nothing more.
1. Go to The Scrungeon Depths app permissions in Settings.
2. Manually toggle on camera, phone and storage.
Thank you for your patience as we get this issue solved, otherwise... Enjoy the Scrungeon Depths!
The surface world has been rendered useless. As evil energy weighs heavy on the atmosphere, a chasm opens and births what can only be described as a malignant structure of pure hate. With no where to go but down, our fearless hero thrusts himself into a seemingly endless dungeon that knows nothing but pain and misery. Beings spoken about in whispers since the dawn of time known as the Hollow Ones dwell within, controlling the uncontrollable chaos. Welcome to... The Scrungeon Depths.
The Scrungeon Depths is an over the top, ludicrously randomly generated rogue like madhouse. Wade through the body parts of defeated foes to crawl ever deeper and seek answers to the mysteries held within. Only the strong (and slightly insane) will survive. ??
Le jeu Android The Scrungeon Depths a été développé par Chase Holton.
Tests de The Scrungeon Depths disponibles
The Scrungeon Depths
Le 12 décembre 2017 - Par Olivier
Donjon rétro 8-bits à parcourir... et à mourir !
The Scrungeon Depths
Le 12 décembre 2017 - Par Olivier
Donjon rétro 8-bits à parcourir... et à mourir !
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