Informations sur Almightree The Last Dreamer
Descriptif officiel de Almightree The Last Dreamer sur l'iTunes AppStore ©
The world is shattering and you are the only hope to restore the balance. A thrilling and challenging 3D puzzle platformer game. Find your way to awaken the Almightree while racing with calamity.
Touch Arcade - 4.5/5
'An excellent puzzle platformer'
148 Apps - 4.5/5
'It is an amusing puzzler'
Pocket Gamer - 8/10 Silver Award
'Smart and engaging 3D puzzler that ups the ante'
App Advice - 4.5/5
'This one is downright gorgeous'
It was just a radiant day when the ground started to fall, houses and towers crumbled, and the world gone out of its order. You lose everything you have, everyone you love. Your only hope is the Almightree and its seedlings, mythical trees that believed have the power to keep the order of the world. But be watchful on your adventure, as you may find clues that maybe there are still others. Journey through an intense and puzzling world to awaken seedlings and finally majestic Almightree. To restore the balance of the world or even maybe bring back everything you hold dear.
- Thrilling 3D puzzle platformer experience
- Discover the stunning world of the Almightree
- Conquer 100+ puzzles across 20 vast stages
- Over 6 unique puzzle features to overcome
- 40+ challenges to be completed
- Unlock 10+ mysterious illustrations about the hero
- Compelling cutscenes to narrate the story of Almightree
- Adjustable difficulty for personal gaming experience
- Compete score and earn achievements in Game Center
Le jeu iOS (iPhone / iPad) Almightree The Last Dreamer a été édité par Crescent Moon Games. Trente autres jeux iOS (iPhone / iPad) testés sur le site KickMyGeek ont également été publiés par le même éditeur. Toutes les informations sont disponibles en cliquant ci-dessous :
Leave Me Alone
Coldfire Keep
Exiles Far Colony
The Deer God
Mines of Mars
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Linn: Path of Orchards
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Stellar Wanderer
La Légende de Skyfish
Shadow Blade: Reload
Shadow Blade
Deep Space
Maze Lord
2-bit Cowboy
Starseed: Origin
Runic Rampage
Hammer Bomb
Reed 2
Le jeu iOS (iPhone / iPad) Almightree The Last Dreamer a été développé par Chocoarts.
Tests de Almightree The Last Dreamer disponibles
Almightree The Last Dreamer
Le 28 août 2014 - Par Olivier
Un jeu de puzzle-plateforme en 3D dans un univers mystique et onirique : voyagez au pays des rêves !
Almightree The Last Dreamer
Le 17 février 2015 - Par Olivier
Un jeu de puzzle-plateforme en 3D dans un univers mystique et onirique : voyagez au pays des rêves !
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