Informations sur Mines of Mars
Descriptif officiel de Mines of Mars sur l'iTunes AppStore ©
Some suspected that Mars once harbored life.
There was a reason that it wasn't ever found.
Mines of Mars is a procedural atmospheric mining game that is inspired by games like Metroid and Motherload.
It is also a story based adventure game with dark secrets, great weapons, tons of different items, and a gorgeous world to explore.
The world of MoM is procedurally created, so that every time you play it, it will be a little different.
There are tons of different enemies, dark corridors, and a large variety of fauna and ambient creatures.
-Huge Procedurally generated underground world
-Night and Day system
-Dark secrets
-Atmospheric vibes
-3 Mini Games
-Original Ambient Soundtrack by Evan Gipson
-Lots of flora and fauna
-Tons of Weapons and Items
-Great storyline
-Gravity Mining!
-Huge Bosses
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Le jeu iOS (iPhone / iPad) Mines of Mars a été édité par Crescent Moon Games. Trente autres jeux iOS (iPhone / iPad) testés sur le site KickMyGeek ont également été publiés par le même éditeur. Toutes les informations sont disponibles en cliquant ci-dessous :
Shadow Blade
Deep Space
Maze Lord
Reed 2
2-bit Cowboy
Stellar Wanderer
Coldfire Keep
Starseed: Origin
Hammer Bomb
2-bit Cowboy Rides Again
Runic Rampage
Shadow Blade: Reload
Linn: Path of Orchards
Exiles Far Colony
La Légende de Skyfish
The Deer God
Leave Me Alone
Monkey Racing
Le jeu iOS (iPhone / iPad) Mines of Mars a été développé par WickeyWare.
Tests de Mines of Mars disponibles
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