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Numbala sur iOS (iPhone / iPad)

Développeur : Neurodio
Télécharger sur l'iTunes AppStore
4.99 €

Informations sur Numbala


Disponible sur
iPad / iPhone
Version du jeu
732.53 Mo
Date de sortie
Langue proposée
Descriptif officiel de Numbala sur l'iTunes AppStore ©

**Best Game Art - Indie Prize: Casual Connect London 2018**
** Editors' choice - Indie Showcase: Digital Dragons Krakow 2018**

Numbala takes you on an adventure to save your dog friend while chasing the mysterious space whale in this beautiful, award-winning space shooter. Learning maths should be fun. It is the game that can give your child an edge at school!

Numbala is more than a game for children. It is a cognitive training designed to teach kids mathematics. As we first learn about numbers, our minds create the so-called mental numeric axis. It is the way the human mind arranges numbers in space in relation to each other.

It is the basis of all mathematics further on and... it can be trained! As you move your finger on the control panel in Numbala, your mind creates a connection between a number and its position in space. Thus, your ability to add and subtract numbers is being improved without you even noticing the process.

The game has been designed in cooperation with neuroscientists and tested on more than one hundred children. Having played Numbala, they have shown an improvement in response time and response correctness. The player's progress can also be tracked in the control panel accessible from the game's menu.


Le jeu iOS (iPhone / iPad) Numbala a été développé par Neurodio.

Tests de Numbala disponibles

Test iOS (iPhone / iPad) Numbala


Le 01 août 2018 - Par Olivier

Tir numérique !

Lire le test sur Test Android de NUMBALA: cool math gameTest iPhone / iPad de Numbala
Test Android NUMBALA: cool math game

NUMBALA: cool math game

Le 01 août 2018 - Par Olivier

Tir numérique !

Lire le test sur Test Android de NUMBALA: cool math gameTest iPhone / iPad de Numbala

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