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Shardlight sur iOS (iPhone / iPad)

Développeur : Wadjet Eye Games
Télécharger sur l'iTunes AppStore
4.99 €

Informations sur Shardlight


Disponible sur
iPad / iPhone
Version du jeu
1 121.76 Mo
Date de sortie
Langue proposée
Descriptif officiel de Shardlight sur l'iTunes AppStore ©

The world ended on the day the bombs fell. Since then, it's always been like this: disease, hunger, death.

What's left of the people scavenge for existence under the unfeeling gaze of the elegant, masked Aristocracy. Green Lung scourges the population, only briefly held at bay by the precious vaccine - and there's never enough to go around.

Amy Wellard is a young mechanic drawn into the covert war between the forces of the Aristocracy and the mysterious, brutal rebel Danton. Can she play both sides - or will she be forced to choose? Is Danton right that the Aristocracy are hiding something important - and if so, what'

-- Reviews --

Rock, Paper, Shotgun: "Grown up, well written, carefully paced, and genuinely interesting to explore."

RPGFan: "Shardlight is crafted beautifully with pixel art reminiscent of the point-and-clicks of yesteryear" 82%

Adventure Gamers: "A dystopia with style." 4/5

Just Aventure - "If you're looking for a classic point-and-click adventure, then you'll love Shardlight. The story, characters, voice acting, and music are a treat."


Le jeu iOS (iPhone / iPad) Shardlight a été développé par Wadjet Eye Games. Deux autres jeux iOS (iPhone / iPad) testés sur le site KickMyGeek ont également été développés par le même studio. Toutes les informations sont disponibles en cliquant ci-dessous :

Test de Shardlight disponible

Test iOS (iPhone / iPad) Shardlight


Le 08 mars 2017 - Par Mickael

Shardlight, une aventure profonde et immersive.

Lire le test sur Test Android Shardlight non disponibleTest iPhone / iPad de Shardlight

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