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Still Here... Flight Adventure

Still Here... Flight Adventure sur iOS (iPhone / iPad)

Développeur : David Smit
Ce jeu n'est plus disponible sur l'iTunes AppStore

Informations sur Still Here... Flight Adventure


Disponible sur
iPad / iPhone
Version du jeu
318.53 Mo
Date de sortie
Langues proposées
Anglais / Espagnol / Français / Italien
Descriptif officiel de Still Here... Flight Adventure sur l'iTunes AppStore ©

Why did mankind leave earth? A 2D flight game which takes you on journey through a beautiful dystopian world with lots of secrets and unique locations to discover.

Take on the role of ?Pip' and visit places of natural beauty while helping and befriending artificial life. Their plight will set your course for an adventure among the remnants of a human civilization long gone. Unlock new rewards which will aid you on your journey.

* 16 unique iMessage stickers!
* A handcrafted colorful dystopian world to discover
* Befriend a cast of heartwarming AI
* Relaxing tap-to fly gameplay
* Unlock various characters and outfits
* More than 20 Challenging Quests
* Create and share in-game photo's


Le jeu iOS (iPhone / iPad) Still Here... Flight Adventure a été développé par David Smit.

Tests de Still Here... Flight Adventure disponibles

Test iOS (iPhone / iPad) Still Here... Flight Adventure

Still Here... Flight Adventure

Le 04 mai 2018 - Par Olivier

Vole à gauche, vole à droite, et collecte en volant !

Lire le test sur Test Android de Still Here... A cute AdventureTest iPhone / iPad de Still Here... Flight Adventure
Test Android Still Here... A cute Adventure

Still Here... A cute Adventure

Le 04 mai 2018 - Par Olivier

Vole à gauche, vole à droite, et collecte en volant !

Lire le test sur Test Android de Still Here... A cute AdventureTest iPhone / iPad de Still Here... Flight Adventure

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