Informations sur YANKAI'S TRIANGLE
Descriptif officiel de YANKAI'S TRIANGLE sur l'iTunes AppStore ©
"Triangle ... Triangle ... Triangle"
5/5 - Touch Arcade
YANKAI'S TRIANGLE is a love letter to TRIANGLES. A puzzling puzzle game about the beauty and joy of infinitely tapping on TRIANGLES for some reason.
With an elegant innovative revolutionary TRIANGLE-first approach to interface, YANKAI'S TRIANGLE lets you tap on TRIANGLES to spin them and stuff. Colors play a part in gameplay too I think. Bring TRIANGLES to a forgotten TRIANGLE, and uncover a TRIANGLE hidden deep beneath the YANKAI.
*Pretty Fun Gameplay (it's all right)
*No Filler - A Veritable Infinity of Meticulously Definitely Handcrafted TRIANGLES
*Over 1.74 x 10^26 Possible Levels (all definitely handcrafted)
*An Inscrutable Three-Pronged Scoring System
*A 'Happy Sounds' Option (woohoo!)
*A 'Colorblind' Option if You Are Colorblind (it's not great tbh)
*A Cool Film Grain Effect (some people don't like it but i think it's cool)
*A Cool Tiled TRIANGLE Background Effect
*Also there are Leaderboards
*And some Achievements
A Game By Kenny Sun
(YAN rhymes with KEN and KAI rhymes with EYE by the way)
Le jeu iOS (iPhone / iPad) YANKAI'S TRIANGLE a été développé par Kenny Sun. Trois autres jeux iOS (iPhone / iPad) testés sur le site KickMyGeek ont également été développés par le même studio. Toutes les informations sont disponibles en cliquant ci-dessous :
Tests de YANKAI'S TRIANGLE disponibles
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